Thursday, August 16, 2012

Best Time to Get an Attorney In Arizona Work Comp Claim

Too many of our clients and prospective clients wait too long to get an attorney in their cases.  The best time to get an attorney is as soon as possible after your injury.  Most Arizona Workers Compensation attorneys offer a free consultation and it is always best to know your rights from the very beginning.  Clients who wait until their claim is closed or their compensation or medical treatment have been cut off are very difficult to help.  By that time, the file may be full of medical reports that are unfavorable to your claim.  Your average monthly wage is usually set shortly after your injury and is often set incorrectly by the carrier.  If you wait too long to hire an attorney, it may be too late to protest an incorrectly set wage - upon which all compensation paid is based. 

At Snow & Carpio, there are many things we can do early on in a case to insure that we obtain a more favorable result for our client when it comes time to settle their case.  These include selecting supportive doctors, ensuring compensation is paid correctly, keeping nurse case managers off the case, and making sure that all body parts injured are accepted.  Also, since we usually only charge a fee on the compensation that is paid at the end of your case, you are paying the same fee regardless of whether you hire us at the end or the beginning.  Hiring us earlier makes our job easier, and your case better. 

Chad T. Snow is a workers compensation attorney with the firm of Snow, Carpio, and Weekley, PLC.  With offices in Phoenix and Tucson, the firm handles exclusively workers compensation and Social Security Disability claims.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Social Media in Workers Compensation Claims

We have had a number of clients recently whose claims have been negatively impacted by information that the carrier has obtained through the injured worker's social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instagram, etc.  Remember that insurance carriers have tremendous resources to find information upon which to base a denial of a claim, denial of treatment, or cutting off of compensation.  Be very careful with the information you post on public social media and aware that it may negatively impact your case.  Here's some free legal advice based on a few unfortunately very real examples: 

Do not post pictures of your recent river trip three weeks after your shoulder surgery!

Do not put links to your favorite porn sites on your Facebook!

Do not list a current employer when you are telling the carrier and ICA that you aren't working!

Don't have your friends posting all over your wall about all of your partying!  Even though you can still have a good time when you're injured, it doesn't look good. 

Remember that if you ever have to go to court on any issue in your claim, your credibility will be at issue.  Anything you post on your Facebook or other social media can and will be used against you!

Chad Snow is a workers compensation attorney with office in Phoenix and Tucson.  He can be reached at (602) 532-0700, (520) 647-9000, or through Snow, Carpio, and Weekley's website.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ever wonder if those Ergonomic Keyboards really make a difference?

According to a CDC report, "....there is little information to assist
people interested in purchasing alternative keyboards. While the scientific evidence about whether alternative keyboards prevent musculoskeletal disorders is inconclusive at
this time, this document provides basic information about common alternative
keyboard designs and their effects on work posture".

I tried out one of these funny looking keyboard awhile back and it brought nothing but frustration. It slowed down my typing, cause me to making numerous typing errors and in the end; I put it away in the supply closet and brought back out my old, flat, nothing fancy keyboard.

If your curious about all the different types of ergonomic keyboards and what they are supposed to help with, check out this article:

Snow, Carpio, Weekley

Blog posted today by April Lang, Business Manager
in the absence of Chad Snow, Attorney.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Here it is!

Attorney at Law Magazine - July Issue featuring Snow and Carpio, PLC as Law Firm of the Month!

Click on the link to be directed to the publication directly.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Keep Your Attorney Informed

Our office at Snow, Carpio, and Weekley have had a recent rash of clients who have failed to keep my office informed about their whereabouts. Oftentimes in workers comp cases, your attorney needs to get a hold of you on short notice for medical appointments, court appointments and other information regarding your case. If we cant get a hold of you, oftentimes it makes it impossible to represent you adequately. If you have an attorney, make sure you always keep them informed about how they can reach you.

Welcome to Dustin Vidrine, a new attorney at our firm!

Dustin is a native of Ville Platte, Louisiana, and has resided in Arizona since 2006-living in Tucson for five years prior to calling Phoenix home.  He completed his undergraduate studies at Louisiana State University, earning a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Political Science in 1999.  Dustin subsequently attended the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at Louisiana State University, where he was awarded a Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) and a Juris Doctorate (JD) in 2006. In addition to being licensed in Louisiana, he is licensed in Arizona and with the US Federal Court, District of Arizona. Prior to joining Snow, Carpio, and Weekley, Dustin practiced primarily in the areas of Social Security Disability Law, Personal Injury Litigation, and Consumer Bankruptcy Law.  Currently, he devotes his entire practice to pursuing Social Security Disability claims on behalf of disabled workers throughout the State of Arizona.
Don't forget to check out Snow, Carpio, and Weekley's official firm Facebook page. Make sure to "like" it so that you can get the weekly updates!

Look for the July 2012
Attorney at Law Magazine.
Snow and Carpio will be featured as Law Firm of the Month!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

to the
for advancing to the next round in the play-offs!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Look Who's Coming to  a Magazine Near You!

and our Attorneys Chad Snow, Alex Carpio and Erica Gonzalez-Melendez
will be featured in the July 2012 issue of Attorney at Law magazine!

Look for the article about our firm, photos of of our attorneys and information on our community activism and our amazing legal team!

Blog updated by April Snow, Office Manager

Safety Tip of the Day:

Safety Tip of the Day:


Don’t eat at your workstation and in front of your computer.

Eating in the workplace saves time but, be sure though that it is not done near computers and other electrical equipment.

Accidents caused by water must be avoided at all cost.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Arizona Legislature Tries to Screw Injured Workers

There is an old saying that while you might not take an interest in politics, politics definitely takes an interest in you.  That is very true for injured workers during this session of the Arizona legislature.  Two bills in particular could result in very negative changes for those injured on the job.  Representative Karen Fann from Prescott has introduced the bills, almost definitely at the behest of ALEC, a national organization funded by large corporations that tries to enact changes in state legislatures which will enrich said large corporations, often at the expense of working people. 

The first bill would force all injured workers to treat with doctors chosen for them by the insurance carriers - a sort of workers comp HMO.  You can imagine the disastrous results this would cause for injured workers.  Most carriers would enlist a panel of extremely conservative doctors whose primary concern would be to cut costs for the carrier in order to maintain the relationship.  These doctors would provide a minimal amount of treatment and then tell the worker that they are fine and can go back to full work - even if they aren't.  This happens all the time currently when workers allow their care to be directed by the insurance company. 

The second bill would force treating doctors to follow pre-determined guidelines set by an out-of-state group - again with the goal being cost reductions for the carrier.  It would remove any independent judgement on the part of the doctor and severely limit their ability to treat injured workers according to their experience and on a case by case basis. 

As soon as Karen Fann and the rest of the legislature enlists in an HMO where their doctors are told what treatment they can do, I'll advise my clients to follow right behind.  In the meantime, we'll keep fighting!

Chad T. Snow and X. Alex Carpio are attorneys who limit their practice to workers compensation and Social Security Disability with offices in Phoenix and Tucson Arizona.  They can be reached at (602) 532-0700 or (520) 647-9000. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After a prolonged absence from the blog, I'm back to make periodic observations about workers compensation issues in Arizona.  For the last few months, I've been dedicating much of my time to the successful recall of state Senate President Russell Pearce, of which I served as Chairman.  More about that in a later blog.  I'll also be updating everyone on the recent activity at the legislature and a number of bills that have been introduced which would significantly reduce the rights of injured workers to select their own medical providers.  My partner, Alex Carpio, has led the charge against those bills and appears to be having some success.  I will also start making some posts on issues regarding Social Security Disability, which Snow & Carpio has added as a practice area in the last two years.  A lot has happened so look forward to more frequent posts on these and several other issues. 

Chad T. Snow is an attorney limiting his practice to the representation of injured and disabled workers in Arizona.  His firm is the only workers compensation firm with offices in both Phoenix and Tucson and can be reached at (602) 532-0700 or (520) 647-9000 or at Snow, Carpio, and Weekley.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Think twice before eating a donut at your desk....

I don't know about you, but in our office here at Snow and Carpio, it is a constant battle to watch our weight. Between the amazing breakfast burrito place around the corner or our favorite Mexican food restaurant Rito's; my pants always seem to be a little tight. It's not just what we eat, it's the fact that we don't have a physical job. I hardly think a roofer has to worry about eating a big lunch like we do. He is going to be up and down ladders all day and will quickly burn off his calories. Or even a nurse. She is going to be on her feet all day walking through the halls to see patients. Unfortunately for us, we sit at our desk and the only thing moving at a rapid pace is our fingers from typing.

...and if you don't think your productivity at work is affected by your weight, think again! Employees who are moderately to extremely obese have reduced productivity on the job, even compared to overweight or mildly obese workers, reports a study in the January Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, official publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM).

Additionally, employees with moderate to extreme obesity also had increased health-related absenteeism, compared with other workers. Presenteeism days employees are at work but performing at less than full capacity is increasingly viewed as an important contributor to costs related to employee health.

Researchers found that men sitting at their desks more than six hours a day are nearly twice as likely to be overweight than those who sit for less than 45 minutes a day. While women fared slightly better—spending on average 20 more minutes on their feet at the office than men—researchers conclude that a sedentary job is a major health concern for both genders.

And it’s no secret that sedentary jobs (and lifestyles) have contributed dramatically to the accelerating obesity rate of the past 20 years. Put emphasis on the word ‘dramatically’—a study conducted by the University of Chicago in 2001 found that a worker in a sedentary career may end up with a Body Mass Index 3.3 units higher than someone in a highly active job. If you’re 5'5" this can mean an increase in weight from 140 pounds to 155 pounds! Well, that explains it for me!!

So what can we do?

Be sure to eat. It’s easy to slog through a day of meetings, e-mails, and phone calls to discover at 4 p.m. that you haven’t eaten since breakfast. (I never have that problem!) But, your body needs energy to get you through the day. Make it a priority to have a healthy and tasty meal—along with 1-2 healthy snacks. It is not a sin to opt for such shortcuts as microwave meals, as long as you read labels to avoid items with excess calories and sodium.

Compensate, compensate. Get physical to compensate for your sedentary workday. Join a gym, take an early morning run, or find time for fitness fun with your family. Buy one or two pieces of home exercise equipment that will allow you to exercise no matter what the weather. One of the gals here at work using the time while waiting for her kids at soccer practice to jog. Since their practices tend to vary locations, she get a change of scenery and it makes the time go faster for her. Way to go!

Rework your network. Chances are, your friends and co-workers need help with their love handles just as much as you do. So, try some new activities that don’t revolve around food. Organize a bi-weekly volleyball game, walk during lunch, or play a quick round of mini-golf after work. Our entire office just participated in a kick-ball tournament. It was so much fun and not only health, but a great way to enjoy each other outside of the office.

Bring your buddies on board. While you’re coaxing co-workers to modify those after-work habits, see if you can’t involve them in a friendly get-fit challenge during work hours. By sharing healthy potluck lunches, exchanging recipes, and providing moral support, you’ll find that getting in shape can be a team-building triumph. In the past, we have all divided up a list and bring items like fruit, healthy lunch meats and snacks like veggies. It makes it so much easier if your coworker isn't eating a big piece of chocolate cake while you're trying to stick to carrot sticks!

Don’t eat due to boredom. Keep water at your desk; it’ll give your hands something to do when you’re stressed and will divert you from eating when you’re not really hungry. Staying hydrated at is very beneficial to your productivity as well. Check out the article on our blog regarding dehydration.

Everything small can add up. If you want to change your life in big ways, try some small changes, like substituting a yogurt and black coffee with skim milk half the time. You’ll save about 470 calories (660 vs. 160)!

Lose the technology. Modern advances are great, but do you control them or do they control you? As much as possible, take advantage of opportunities throughout the day to get up and move! Deliver that memo in person, sit on a stability ball at your desk to improve your posture, park at the far end of the parking lot for a brisk walk to your building. You’ll be surprised how quickly minor changes can improve your energy level and help you get fit.

Choose wisely. Whether you normally go out for lunch or eat in, try to make your meal choices conscious ones. Learn how to eat out wisely, and remember how much better you feel come mid-afternoon when you eat healthy.
One in five Americans is obese; three in five are either overweight or obese. But sitting at a desk doesn't have to mean you’ll be just another statistic! Incorporating these simple strategies into your workday will bring you one step closer to being a healthier, more energetic you.

In the absence of Chad Snow, blog posted by April Snow, Business Manager at Snow and Carpio Law Firm. For questions regarding Workers' Compensation claims or any topics you have seen on our blog, please contact our Phoenix office @ 602-532-0700 or our Tucson office @ 520-647-9000 or contact through our website at Snow, Carpio, and Weekley.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Holiday Stress at Home...It Can Affect your Work

As we are approaching the holidays and I myself am starting to feel the stress of organizing the Thanksgiving meal and the traditional Black Friday shopping trip with all the girls in the family, I started to wonder if feeling so stressed out at home is showing at work. The answer is yes.

The holidays bring a lot of things. There is great food, awesome presents and wonderful company as you spend time with the people closest to you. But there is also the stress and sometimes negativity that often comes with the holidays.

There are also indicators that suggest the higher the stress level in the home, the less healthy and more "sick days" there are in the workplace. Not to mention that when we are stressed at home; we tend to have a shorter fuse and be less attentive when at the office.

Although work can sometimes act as an escape, the pressure to keep up with everything in your life, including your job performance can more feeling of being overwhelmed.

So before you find yourself in the middle of the holiday "swirl" and you feel as if you're being pulled in 20 different directions; try to find some ways to de-stress and relax.

Here are four simple and effective tips for doing just that.

1. Slow down.

Even if it may feel silly and if you have to force it a bit. Slow down your body, move and walk slowly. Breathe slower and more deeply with your belly (and focus on doing just that for two minutes and see what happens). Slow down your eating (this will not only help you to relax, it will also help you to not eat too much during the holidays since it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full.)

Slow it all down and pay attention to what you are doing. Be here and now and focus on doing just one thing at a time. By slowing down, by being here now, by not having your focus split between many things, your body and your mind start to relax.

The stress you feel from doing the things does not come from the things, it comes from how you go about doing them.

2. Take it easy with those expectations.

Things take time. Especially around the holidays as stores, roads etc. are overflowing with people. It is just how it is and if you don’t accept that then it’s going to be some stressful and frustrated days ahead. Take this into consideration when you make practical plans. Realize that things may take longer than you originally planned for. And realize that even though that Christmas etc. is supposed to be a sort of perfect time of the year nothing will ever be perfect (not for long at least).

Striving for or expecting perfection can be pretty dangerous. Because you will never feel like what you do or what you get is good enough. Even though what you do, for example, is just fine 90 percent of the time you still feel let down inside like you are not OK. This robs you of enjoying your holidays.
You have set the bar at an inhuman level. If you expect perfection around the holidays – or around any time of the year – then your self esteem will stay low, your stress levels will shoot up and you will feel disappointed even though things may have indeed been very good overall.

3. Tap into gratitude.

Where you put your focus does to a large degree determine how you feel and think. Focus on the stress and how hard everything is, and you will feel and think about just that. Focus on the positive things in your life right now and you will feel a lot better and think happier thoughts. Your day becomes lighter and brighter.

One of the quickest ways to shift your focus is simply to appreciate the positive things in your life right now. To be grateful for what you have.

Two ways of doing that are:

The two minute exercise. If you’re feeling negative or stressed out use just two minutes in your day to reflect upon things that you are grateful for. It’s a small and quick thing to do but it can have a big effect on your mood – it’s hard to not feel like smiling after those two minutes – and how you view your life. Ask yourself: “what can I appreciate in my life right now? and “what can I be grateful for that I may have been taking for granted this year?”.

The gratitude journal. Basically the same exercise as above. But here you quickly jot down 5 things you are grateful for in a journal. Do this for a few minutes each day or each week. Review the journal whenever you feel the need. Very simple but effective.

4. Take a break.

Working nonstop can sour your mood and stress anyone out. Slow down but also remember to take breaks. Take 20 minutes or half an hour to just rest. Take a walk in the crisp and cold winter landscape. Escape via music, a book you have that you may have never finished or by watching classic holiday movies/TV. I usually watch Elf or A Christmas Story. Both are great for a holiday chuckle and watching them every year with the family has become a tradition.

Do something that snaps you out of the working, shopping and preparing mindset, even if it is just for while. That short change in scenery and change of mental head space may be all you need to feel revitalized again.

The whole point to the holidays is to share and enjoy our time with family and friends and to have a good time. Remember that the holidays are more than the perfect table settings at Thanksgiving or the perfect gift at Christmas. Stop and remember the true meaning of the holidays.

Enjoy your holidays......

In the absence of Attorney Chad Snow, blog posted today by: April Lang-Snow, Business Manager @ Snow and Carpio, PLC.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bullying...Not just a problem with kids in school!

Bullying is something we all hope not to have to deal with much beyond the eighth grade. Unfortunately workplace bullies are a problem many people face. Unlike playground bullies who often, not always, resort to using their fists, workplace bullies generally use words and actions to intimidate their victims.

A workplace bully may be your boss or your co-worker. No one should ever make you feel uncomfortable at work. If you are a victim of bullying in your workplace consider speaking to someone in the human resources department for help in dealing with it.

If you would like to try to deal with this situation before you report it, here are some tips. If you are being physically threatened don't waste a minute before you report it to both your employer and the police.

If you are dealing with a workplace bully:

•Seek the advice of a trusted mentor who may have dealt with this situation before.

•If you can, confront the bully in a professional manner, but only if your physical safety isn't threatened. Don't sink to his or her level. Stay as calm as possible. Don't yell or threaten. Often bullies are looking for this type of confrontation and it will encourage them to come back for more. Don't cry or show weakness either. That's usually what the bully is after in the first place.

•Don't try to win over other people to your side. The way in which you handle the situation will allow them to make their own judgements.

•Don't allow the bully to intimidate you or make you feel bad about yourself. You know your true worth. Don't forget what that is.

•Do your job and do it well. The workplace bully wants you to fail and when you don't he or she will be defeated.

•Make sure your superiors are aware of your work. Workplace bullies often try to spread the word that your are not doing your job well and will even go as far as to report the smallest infractions to your boss. Your actions will carry more weight than his or her words.
If all else fails, decide whether or not a job transfer is appropriate (if available) and if not, whether or not you are ready to seek other employment to alleviate the stress in your life.

If you are injured or know of somebody who has been injured; the attorneys at Snow and Carpio, PLC are glad to sit down and speak to you at no cost about your case. For more information regarding this topic or general questions regarding a Workers' Compensation Claim, you may reach Chad Snow and the firm of Snow, Carpio, and Weekley, PLC at 602-532-0700 or 520-647-9000.

In the absence of Attorney Chad Snow, blog posted today by: April Lang-Snow, Business Manager @ Snow and Carpio, PLC.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Most Common Safety Violations

I was trolling around the Industrial Commission Site and I cam across the 20 most common citations for safety. It's pretty interesting if you look at some of them because it is very easy to be in compliance and yet so expensive to have an accident.

Most cases that we see here in our office could have been prevented. Whether it's lack of fall protection that prevented the roofer from falling off a roof  or a simple Lock-Out/Tag-Out procedure that takes a few moments but can save somebody from being electrocuted or losing a finger.

Safety is so important. Both as an employer and an employee.

Here's the list for you to check out.
The 20 standards most frequently cited by ADOSH

Note: 1926 indicates a violation of a construction standard, 1910 a general industry standard.

Standard Description Citations

1910.1200 Hazard Communication 338

1910.305 Wiring methods, components 209

1910.157 Portable fire extinguishers 179

1910.134 Respiratory protection 138

1910.178 Powered industrial trucks 131

1910.303 Electrical, general requirements 131

1910.212 Machine guarding, general requirements 93

1910.215 Abrasive wheel machinery 86

1926.501 Duty to have fall protection 73

1910.179 Overhead and gantry cranes 72

1910.132 PPE, general requirements 63

1910.213 Woodworking machine guarding 62

1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens 59

1904.01 Recordkeeping 52

1910.22 Housekeeping 49

1910.219 Power transmission guarding 47

1904.32 Annual summary, 300 log 46

1926.451 Scaffolding, general requirements 46

1910.23 Floor/wall opening guarding 44

1910.37 Exit route maintenance 39

Now, as a previous business owner and employer, I can tell you that there are a few items on this list that require little/no effort. For example; PPE (general requirements), that means Personal Protection Equipment and is referring to safety devices for your employees such as safety glasses to protect eyes, ear plugs to preserve hearing, gloves to protect hands from materials and/or equipment and also the red vests that should be worn if your employees are in an area where there is forklift activity so they will stand out and the forklift driver can easily identify and see them. These very inexpensive items all flow into the PPE area and there is no reason why an employee should not be providing these safety tools for their employees. The citation fine is probably 5x the amount they would have spent in the first place.

Another example would be the Annual Summary. There is no fee associated with this unless you employ a full time Safety Director, in which case this should be a simple task that he/she should be completing as part of their job. But on the norm, for small-mid size companies, the owners are probable handling this task and it doesn't cost you a penny to complete your OSHA 300 log. Yes, it takes a little bit of time but, if you are recording everything as it happens through the year, it's a very easy and simple task to complete.

Employers need to get out of the mindset that ADOSH and other safety entities are here to make their lives more difficult and instead understand they are around to ensure the safety of the employees. I remember having a sinking feeling every time they would walk through the door because I knew it would mean some sort of fine or write-up; but in retrospect, they weren't that difficult to deal with and most of the things we needed to bring up to par were very simple things that because we did not stay on task, it cost us in both time and money.

For employees; I know that the biggest complaint I used to get from my manufacturing employees was that it was too hot to wear the safety glasses in the summer and that the gloves made it hard to grip sometimes. But in the end, these Personal Protection Equipment and devices are put in place to ensure your safety.

I can tell you from my experience working here at the Snow and Carpio Law Firm over the last 2 years that most of our clients would love to go back to when their injury happened and rewind for just 2 second so they could have a do-over and not get injured. Whether it's a minor injury that does not result in loss of time at work or a major incident that leaves a person unable to return to their job and even their career; not one of them would give up the chance to go back and have that accident and injury go away.

So take a look around you and see if there are safety issues. whether you are an employer or an employee, point things out, make sure to talk about safety.

If you are injured or know of somebody who has been injured; the attorneys at Snow, Carpio, and Weekley PLC are glad to sit down and speak to you at no cost about your case. For more information regarding this topic or general questions regarding a Workers' Compensation Claim, you may reach Chad Snow and the firm of Snow and Carpio, PLC at 602-532-0700 or 520-647-9000.

In the absence of Attorney Chad Snow, blog posted today by: April Lang-Snow, Business Manager @ Snow and Carpio, PLC.
